Couplet 1
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out of the w
They crawled out of the woodwork
And they whispered into your brain
They set you on the treadmill
And they made you change your name
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
ould have liked to know y
And I would have liked to know you
Your candle burned out long before
Couplet 2
The toughest role you ever played
Hollywood created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
Oh the press still hounded you
All the papers had to say
Was that Marilyn was found
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
ould have liked to know y
And I would have liked to know you
Your candle burned out long before
Couplet 3
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
From the young man in the
From the young man in the 22nd row
Who sees you as something
Who sees you as something
More than just our Marilyn Monroe
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
ould have liked to know y
And I would have liked to know you
Your candle burned out long before
Your candle burned out long before
Si vous voulez être dans la tonalité originale (E), vous pouvez jouer en (D) et mettre un capo II.
*Les accords de cette chanson durent 4 temps. Lorsqu'il y a 2 accords entre [], chacun de ces accords dure 2 temps. Lorsqu'il y a 3 accords entre [], le premier accord dure 1,5 temps, le deuxième accord dure aussi 1,5 temps et le troisième accord dure 1 temps. Ça peut vous aider d'écouter l'intro de la chanson pour comprendre le rythme des 3 accords entre [].
**Dans la tonalité de (C), voici comment jouer l'accord de C/E.
->Guitare ->Ukulélé
C/E : XX2010 C/E = C (0003)
Et pour qu'on entende bien la descente de basse (à la guitare), vous pouvez jouer un petit accord de F juste avant. F : XX3211
Dans la tonalité de (D), voici comment jouer l'accord de D/F#.
->Guitare ->Ukulélé
D/F# : 200232 D/F# = D (2220)